Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a very interesting place because it is a mixed bag and can cater to anyone with different needs. It can be a historical place, many places and buildings that has seen the better part of the last few centuries, it can be hip and trendy with top of the line fashion and colourful night life, it can be cheap whether it is food or fake imitation products from China, it can be expensive with world class hotels and restaurants, there is just a lot happening in Hong Kong on a daily basis. Seems like a great place but all at a cost, but what is it? It is a cost that is only paid for by the people living there, the cost of housing has sky rocketed and most hopeful young couples looking to purchase a place of their own usually have their dreams shattered by the constantly rising private housing costs. There are two main reasons why housing is as it is. Firstly the population in HK is pushing through 7 million and counting. HK is not the biggest country in the world and everyone wants to live at the same convenient locations, so it is just a matter of time that the prices of houses will go mad. Secondly the government in HK is not so keen on public housing and would rather let the people fight for themselves, so private housing corporations has pretty much taken over HK and squeezed every last ounce of money they can out of people there. It is a great place if only you don't live there, make sense?

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